(Clockwise from top left: Matt Chun, Sarah Gabriele, Katie Gu, Sanjay Reddy, Aparajita Lath)
We are excited to welcome a new group of Student Fellows to the Petrie-Flom Center family. These five students are a fantastic cohort of health law policy, biotechnology, and bioethics scholars who join us from across Harvard.
They each will undertake a year-long research project with mentorship from Center faculty and affiliates, and also will blog here at Bill of Health regularly. Keep an eye out for their bylines!
Matthew Chun, DPhil, is a law student (JD 2024) and practicing patent agent at Fish & Richardson P.C. He is deeply interested in the legal issues posed by the rise of artificial intelligence in the healthcare sector, especially as it pertains to intellectual property rights. In addition to having practical experience in patent law and health care-related startups, Matthew’s academic research in computational health informatics has been featured in publications including the Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, Stroke and Vascular Neurology, and Nature Scientific Reports.
Sarah Gabriele is a second year Master of Bioethics candidate at Harvard Medical School. She obtained her law degree from the University of Trento (Italy) and an LLM from the Washington University in St. Louis (USA). After graduating from law school, she has trained at Hogan Lovells in their Milan office, specializing in pharmaceutical patent litigation. As a Student Fellow, her research will focus on the accessibility of patented and innovative drugs in low- and middle-income countries.
Katie Gu is a law student (JD 2024). Her current research examines the interplay between data privacy and reproductive health access. She has previously published articles on synthetic biology regulation and governance, end stage renal disease payment reform, and comparative analyses of learning disorder policy. At HLS, she co-leads the Harvard Health Law Society and serves on the editorial board of the Harvard Journal of Law and Technology.
Aparajita Lath is a Master of Laws student (LLM 2023). Her research currently focuses on the interplay between intellectual property, transfer of technology, and financing to further access to medical technologies. Her articles have appeared in the Indian Journal of Law and Technology, the NUJS Law Review, and the Journal of Intellectual Property Rights. Aparajita also blogs on SpicyIP.
Sanjay Reddy is a JD-MPP student at Georgetown Law and Harvard Kennedy School. He previously worked as a legislative aide in the U.S. House of Representatives and as a data analyst for Tempus Labs, a digital health startup. Sanjay’s research interests include pharmaceutical competition, FDA regulatory reform, and health care coverage. His research project will explore the barriers to competition for insulin products by analyzing patent litigation and consider reforms that may accelerate competition and rein in prices.