
I. Glenn Cohen

  • Bioethics

    Rationing, Irrelevant Utilities, and Inter vs. Intrapersonal distribution

    This blog post was prompted by discussions with Frances Kamm, Jonathan Wolff,  and others after a great presentation Jonathan gave on the Valuation of Life and Health in Government Policies. To return to an issue I…

    Rationing, Irrelevant Utilities, and Inter vs. Intrapersonal distribution


    I. Glenn Cohen

  • Abortion

    Mitt Romney’s Son’s Abortion Contract

    Over at Concurring Opinions, Dave Hoffman (via TMZ), writes: Tagg Romney (son of Mitt) and his wife Jen entered into a surrogacy contract which contained a clause purporting to require the surrogate to abort on…

    Mitt Romney’s Son’s Abortion Contract


    I. Glenn Cohen

  • Bioethics

    Judge Orders Prison to Pay for Sex Change

    Interesting decision (H/T Wall Street Journal Law Blog ) from the D. Mass ordering the state to pay for a sex change operation for a prisoner. I’ll have more to say on the case soon…

    Judge Orders Prison to Pay for Sex Change


    I. Glenn Cohen