

  • FDA

    Your Weekly Reminder That FDA Approval and Insurance Coverage Are Often Linked

    By Rachel Sachs In recent days, it seems like the din of voices arguing that the FDA should approve pharmaceuticals more speedily and on less evidence has grown louder.  It is a central theme of…

    Your Weekly Reminder That FDA Approval and Insurance Coverage Are Often Linked



  • FDA

    The Newest 21st Century Cures Draft Moderates, But Doesn’t Eliminate, Controversy

    By Rachel Sachs Earlier this evening, the House of Representatives released the most recent draft of the 21st Century Cures Act. This is the fifth time I’ve blogged about the Act (prior posts here, here,…

    The Newest 21st Century Cures Draft Moderates, But Doesn’t Eliminate, Controversy



  • 2016 Election

    Drug prices: Where do we go after the Election?

    By Rachel Sachs, Washington University in St Louis [Originally published on The Conversation] Martin Shkreli. Valeant Pharmaceuticals. Mylan. These names have become big news, but just a year ago, most Americans devoted little time and attention to…

    Drug prices: Where do we go after the Election?



  • FDA

    Sarepta: Where Do We Go From Here?

    By Rachel Sachs This morning, the FDA finally reached a decision in the closely watched case of Sarepta Therapeutics and its drug for the treatment of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD).  The FDA granted accelerated approval…

    Sarepta: Where Do We Go From Here?



  • FDA

    Mylan Announces Generic EpiPen; Baffles Health Policy Wonks Everywhere

    By Rachel Sachs For weeks now, the list price of Mylan’s EpiPen ($600 for a two-pack) has been exhaustively covered by journalists, debated by academics, and skewered by policymakers as an example of the pricing…

    Mylan Announces Generic EpiPen; Baffles Health Policy Wonks Everywhere



  • FDA

    The Catch-22 of Bayh-Dole March-In Rights

    By Rachel Sachs Earlier today, the NIH rejected a request filed by consumer groups including Knowledge Ecology International (KEI) to exercise the government’s march-in rights on an expensive prostate cancer drug, Xtandi.  Xtandi costs upwards…

    The Catch-22 of Bayh-Dole March-In Rights



  • FDA

    Thoughtful CREATES Act May Help Speed Generic Drug Approvals

    By Rachel Sachs Earlier this week, a bipartisan group of Senators introduced the Creating and Restoring Equal Access to Equivalent Samples (CREATES) Act, a bill designed to speed generic drug approvals (and thus lower drug…

    Thoughtful CREATES Act May Help Speed Generic Drug Approvals



  • Health Law Policy

    Our Current Pharmaceutical Payment System Isn’t Neutral

    By Rachel Sachs Last week, former Pfizer Global R&D head John LaMattina wrote another of his columns for Forbes, this one on the subject of pay-for-performance deals for pharmaceuticals.  These deals, in which insurers contract…

    Our Current Pharmaceutical Payment System Isn’t Neutral



  • Bioethics

    Divided Infringement in Patent Law and the Doctor-Patient Relationship

    By Rachel Sachs Regular readers of this blog (hi, Mom) will recall that I often think and write about the interaction between the divided infringement doctrine in patent law and medical method patents of various…

    Divided Infringement in Patent Law and the Doctor-Patient Relationship



  • Health Law Policy

    State Drug Price Cap Laws: How Do They Work?

    By Rachel Sachs Two weeks ago, I blogged here about various state bills designed to encourage transparency in the pharmaceutical industry, by requiring companies to disclose information about their research & development costs, marketing expenses,…

    State Drug Price Cap Laws: How Do They Work?

