
  • Arthur Caplan

    Art Caplan on sex in nursing homes

    [on behalf of Art Caplan] Art Caplan has an interesting new podcast on autonomy, the elderly, and sex.  He argues that clinicians ought to be promoting – or at least discussing – sex among nursing…

    Art Caplan on sex in nursing homes

  • Abortion

    Tobacco Labeling and the Ethics of Persuasion

    by Nadia N. Sawicki The D.C. Circuit’s recent decision vacating the FDA’s graphic labeling requirements has prompted a flood of valuable commentary about compelled speech doctrine, including Richard Epstein’s, below.  While analysis of the First…

    Tobacco Labeling and the Ethics of Persuasion

  • Call for Abstracts

    Jurimetrics Call for Papers – Special Issue: Intersection of Law, Science, and Policy to Protect the Public’s Health

    Jurimetrics: The Journal of Law, Science, and Technology (ASU/ABA) is seeking submissions for a special symposium issue edited by James Hodge on the Intersection of Law, Science, and Policy to Protect the Public’s Health, to…

    Jurimetrics Call for Papers – Special Issue: Intersection of Law, Science, and Policy to Protect the Public’s Health

  • Arthur Caplan

    Elderly drivers and fatal accidents: Is the doctor responsible?

    [posted on behalf of Art Caplan] Should a physician be held responsible if an elderly patient causes a car accident while driving? A Los Angeles jury recently decided that Dr. Arthur Daigneault was not responsible…

    Elderly drivers and fatal accidents: Is the doctor responsible?

  • Bioethics

    The Body Snatchers: Human Recycling in The Global Age

    By Michele Goodwin For all the attention by legal scholars, doctors, and politicians to the global organ shortage—and particularly the crisis in the United States, relatively little is said about tissue demand and that supply…

    The Body Snatchers: Human Recycling in The Global Age

  • Bioethics

    Alan Wertheimer at HLS tonight

    Short notice, but… Alan Wertheimer will be presenting his draft paper “Why Is Consent a Requirement for Ethical Research?” tonight at the Health Law Policy and Bioethics Workshop at Harvard Law School. These workshops take…

    Alan Wertheimer at HLS tonight

  • Health Information Technology

    Meaningful Use Woes

    By Nicolas Terry Keen observers of the Administration’s “meaningful use” subsidy program for electronic medical records (EMRs) will not have been surprised by the reaction of stakeholders to last week’s publication of the “Stage 2” regulations,…

    Meaningful Use Woes

  • Bioethics

    Congratulations to Our Greenwall Scholar, Glenn Cohen!

    The Greenwall Foundation has selected Bill of Health co-editor, Glenn Cohen, to receive a Faculty Scholar Award in Bioethics for 2012-2015.  This career development award is intended to enable outstanding junior faculty members to carry out original research that will help…

    Congratulations to Our Greenwall Scholar, Glenn Cohen!