2018 Petrie-Flom Center Annual Conference

Beyond Disadvantage: Disability, Law, and Bioethics
Couldn’t make it to the event? Check out some of the speakers’ slides here! “Congress acknowledged that society’s accumulated myths and fears about disability and disease are as handicapping as are the physical limitations that flow from actual impairment.” Justice William J. Brennan, Jr., School Bd. of Nassau, Fl. v. Arline, 480 U.S. 273 (1987). |
The Petrie-Flom Center for Health Law Policy, Biotechnology, and Bioethics at Harvard Law School 2018 annual conference was organized in collaboration with the Harvard Law School Project on Disability.
Conference Description
Historically and across societies people with disabilities have been stigmatized and excluded from social opportunities on a variety of culturally specific grounds. These justifications include assertions that people with disabilities are biologically defective, less than capable, costly, suffering, or fundamentally inappropriate for social inclusion. Rethinking the idea of disability so as to detach being disabled from inescapable disadvantage has been considered a key to twenty-first century reconstruction of how disablement is best understood.
Such ‘destigmatizing’ has prompted hot contestation about disability. Bioethicists in the ‘destigmatizing’ camp have lined up to present non-normative accounts, ranging from modest to audacious, that characterize disablement as “mere difference” or in other neutral terms. The arguments for their approach range from applications of standards for epistemic justice to insights provided by evolutionary biology. Conversely, other bioethicists vehemently reject such non-normative or “mere difference” accounts, arguing instead for a “bad difference” stance. “Bad difference” proponents contend that our strongest intuitions make us weigh disability negatively. Furthermore, they warn, destigmatizing disability could be dangerous because social support for medical programs that prevent or cure disability is predicated on disability’s being a condition that it is rational to avoid. Construing disability as normatively neutral thus could undermine the premises for resource support, access priorities, and cultural mores on which the practice of medicine depends.
The “mere difference” vs. “bad difference” debate can have serious implications for legal and policy treatment of disability, and shape strategies for allocating and accessing health care. For example, the framing of disability impacts the implementation of the Americans with Disabilities Act, Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act, and other legal tools designed to address discrimination. The characterization of disability also has health care allocation and accessibility ramifications, such as the treatment of preexisting condition preclusions in health insurance. The conference aimed to construct a twenty-first century conception of disablement that resolves the tension about whether being disabled is merely neutral or must be bad, examined and articulated the clinical, philosophical, and practical implications of that determination, and attempted to integrate these conclusions into medical and legal practices.
This event was free and open to the public.
8:30 – 9:00am, Registration
9:00 – 9:10am, Welcome Remarks
9:10 – 10:10am, Theory and Definitions of Disability
10:10 – 10:25am, Break
10:25 – 11:25am, Disability in the Beginning and the End of Life
11:25am – 12:45pm, Disability in the Clinical Setting
12:45 – 1:30pm, Lunch
1:30 – 2:50pm, Equality, Expertise, and Access
2:50 – 3:50pm, Disability, Intersectionality, and Social Movements
3:50 – 4:05pm, Break
4:05 – 5:05pm, Quantifying Disability
5:05 – 5:20pm, Closing Remarks
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Slide Presentations
Sponsored by the Petrie-Flom Center for Health Law Policy, Biotechnology, and Bioethics at Harvard Law School. This year’s conference was organized in collaboration with the Harvard Law School Project on Disability, and was cosponsored by the Center for Bioethics at Harvard Medical School, with support from the Oswald DeN. Cammann Fund at Harvard University.