Neuroethics Seminar: Busting Clots on Your Behalf?

This is a past event

The Ethics of Presumed Consent to Thrombolytics in Acute Stroke

Event Description

You’ve just suffered a large stroke, and are unable to communicate. Your doctor in the ER wants to give you a thrombolytic (“clot-busting”) drug. The drug will improve your odds of a good outcome from the stroke, but also comes with a small risk of brain hemorrhage (which might make you worse off). If the doctor can’t find your surrogate decision-maker, should she give you the drug anyway?

Panelists will discuss the ethics of presumed (or “emergency”, or “implied”) consent in the context of caring for patients with acute stroke.


More information

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Neuroethics Seminar Series

This event is part of a series hosted by the Center for Biothics at Harvard Medical School. For more information, visit the website.


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