Health Law Year in P/Review

This is a past event

2012 was an historic year for health law, with the Supreme Court issuing the final word on the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act alongside a host of other critical developments. 2013 promised to continue the trend, with a number of other important topics on the horizon, from employer coverage of contraceptives to gene patenting and more.

The first annual Health Law Year in P/Review event brought together leading experts to review some of the most important changes in the health law landscape during 2012, their implications for the future, and a preview of what was to come in 2013.

Topics and presenters:

The ACA and Health Care Reform

Personhood Amendments and Contraceptives Coverage

Immigrants’ Access to Health Care

Affirmative Action and Medical School Admissions

Gene Patenting

Tobacco and Obesity Policy and the First Amendment

Summary and Wrap Up

  • Kristin Madison, Northeastern University, Bouvé College of Health Sciences and the School of Law

Remarks from Dean Martha Minow, Harvard Law School

Cosponsored by the New England Journal of Medicine.