Navraj Nagra

Visiting Researcher
Navraj Nagra is a Visiting Researcher and Fulbright Scholar at the Petrie-Flom Center for Health Law Policy, Biotechnology, and Bioethics at Harvard Law School, working alongside the Institute for Strategy and Competitiveness at Harvard Business School.
During his time at the Petrie-Flom Center, Nav will focus on identifying regulatory barriers to implementing value-based health care in the United States. He aims to take lessons learned in the U.S. and apply them to the National Health Service (NHS) in the United Kingdom in the future.
Nav earned MD and MSc degrees at the University of Manchester (UK). After practicing as a clinician across surgical and medical specialties as part of the Academic Foundation Programme, he undertook his DPhil at the University of Oxford with funding from the Royal College of Surgeons of England and the Jean Shanks Foundation. His research focused on using big-data epidemiological and pharmacoepidemiological approaches to determine incidence of disease in both at-risk populations and in the wider population after taking certain prescription medications.
Nav’s other research interests include: evaluating complications of medical interventions to better balance benefit and harm; working on feasibility studies for NIHR-sponsored clinical trials; and evaluating patient-involvement in shaping clinical trials to improve outcome measures in trials.
Nav’s research has been published in several peer-reviewed scientific journals and presented internationally. He has also previously been awarded the President’s Prize by the Royal Society of Medicine (Surgical Section) and the Fisher and Paykel Healthcare Prize in Neonatology. He has also served on the Foundation Doctors Advisory Board, a national committee representing UK junior doctors.