
Visiting Scholar Programs

We accept Visiting Scholars/Researchers to the Center who plan to be in residence for anywhere from a month to a year, with a majority staying 3-6 months. In order to apply for a term as a visitor, you need to submit the following materials:

  • Your proposed dates and duration of stay;
  • A one-page description of the project you plan to work on while visiting the center;
  • A copy of your CV;
  • Contact information for two references;
  • A description of outside financial support for your visit;
  • Resource needs, e.g., library access, electronic resources, etc. (Please be specific. Note that we may or may not be able to provide assistance with these resources.)

Please also indicate whether you would need immigration sponsorship in order to enter the US. (Please note: Visiting Scholars/Researchers who are not US citizens must obtain the appropriate visa – usually a J Scholar visa – in order to participate in the Petrie-Flom Center’s visitor program. Because the Visiting Scholar/Researcher designation involves a formal appointment at Harvard Law School, individuals may not enter the US under the visa waiver program for a term as a Visiting Scholar/Researcher.)

The Center does not offer any stipend, compensation, or reimbursement to visitors, and we cannot provide assistance with housing, travel, computer equipment, photocopying, or the like. Office space is not available at the Center, although visitors are welcome to use our conference room when it is not otherwise in use. Visitors are also responsible for paying monthly appointment fees to Harvard Law School, which are currently $360/month, and the Petrie-Flom Center’s appointment fees – a one-time fee of $1,000 for international visitors/$750 for domestic visitors plus $100/month for the duration of the visit. The appointment fees grant visitors a Harvard ID, Harvard Law School email address, and library privileges for the length of their stay, as well as administrative support from the Petrie-Flom Center.

In general, we expect visitors to be in residence in or near Cambridge, MA, for the period of their visit, which should be no less than a month in duration. We ask visitors to acknowledge the Petrie-Flom Center in any publications or presentations stemming from their visit; visitors may also be invited to present their work at least once while in residence with us. Visitors are expected to attend any Petrie-Flom Center events that take place during the course of the visit.  

If you have any questions about the Visiting Scholar/Researcher designation or application to the center, please reach out to petrie-flom@law.harvard.edu.