Call for Abstracts

Upcoming Deadline: Submissions for The Journal of Law and Biosciences

The Petrie-Flom Center for Health Law Policy, Biotechnology, and Bioethics at Harvard Law School collaborates with Stanford and Duke Universities to publish The Journal of Law and Biosciences (Oxford University Press), an online, open-access, peer-reviewed journal.  JLB includes a New Developments section, comprised of brief summaries and commentary on recent legislation, regulation, and case law…

JLB coverThe Petrie-Flom Center for Health Law Policy, Biotechnology, and Bioethics at Harvard Law School collaborates with Stanford and Duke Universities to publish The Journal of Law and Biosciences (Oxford University Press), an online, open-access, peer-reviewed journal.  JLB includes a New Developments section, comprised of brief summaries and commentary on recent legislation, regulation, and case law written by graduate students at the collaborating schools.  The Petrie-Flom Center is responsible for providing the New Developments for one issue per annual volume.  Last year’s contributions may be viewed here.

We are currently seeking Harvard graduate students to contribute New Developments for JLB’s Volume 2, Issue 2 (2015). Interested students from any Harvard school should submit a topic proposal (1 paragraph to 1 page) outlining the new development they wish to cover, along with their current CV, and a short writing sample (5-10 pages), by November 30, 2014. Update: Student contributions may be co-authored, particularly with students from different schools within Harvard. Proposals should be sent to Holly Fernandez Lynch,

Four proposals will be selected by December 15, 2014, with one alternate.  Outlines will be due January 19, 2015.  First drafts will be due February 16, 2015, with edits returned by March 2, 2015, and final submissions due to the publisher by April 30, 2015 for publication in July.

New Developments are limited to 4500 words, inclusive of footnotes and references, and formatted according to Blue Book style.  Students will be responsible for reviewing the drafts of other student contributors, and will also receive feedback from the Petrie-Flom Center.  Please keep in mind that New Developments are not full student Notes.  They should focus on describing the policy issue at hand, why it is relevant to scholars and practitioners, and providing analysis/questions for further consideration.

Questions?  Please contact Holly Fernandez Lynch,