Football Players Health Study at Harvard University

This is a past event

Part of the 39th Annual ASLME Health Law Professors Conference. In order to attend this panel, you must register for the conference.

Panelists will discuss the research being conducted at the Petrie-Flom Center as part of the Law and Ethics Initiative of the Football Players Health Study at Harvard University.


The 39th Annual ASLME Health Law Professors Conference

Hosted by the Boston University School of Law

The American Society of Law, Medicine & Ethics Annual Health Law Professors conference, hosted from June 2 to June 4, 2016 by the Boston University School of Law, is intended for professionals who teach law or bioethics in schools of law, medicine, public health, health care administration, pharmacy, nursing, and dentistry. ASLME’s Annual Health Law Professors Conference combines presentations by experienced health law teachers with the opportunity for discussion among conference participants. The program is designed to provide participants with updates on issues at the forefront of law and medicine and to provide them with the opportunity to share strategies, ideas, and materials. For more information on the conference and to register, please visit ASLME’swebsite.

Learn more and register for the full slate of ASLME events on their website!