Health Law Workshop: Aaron Kesselheim

Professor Kesselheim’s paper, “Do March-In Rights Protect Public Interests in Medical Products Arising from Federally-Funded Research?”, is not available online.
Please email Kaitlin Burroughs at to request a copy.
About the Presenter
Aaron Kesselheim is a physician and an Assistant Professor of Medicine at the Harvard Medical School. Dr. Kesselheim’s research focuses on the effects of intellectual property laws and federal and state policies on prescription drug and medical device development, the regulatory approval process, and the costs, availability, and use of therapeutics both domestically and in resource-poor settings. He has also investigated how other issues at the intersection of law and public health can affect health care delivery, including health care fraud, expert testimony in malpractice cases, and insurance reimbursement practices. He received his M.P.H. from the Harvard School of Public Health in 2007, his J.D. and M.D. from the University of Pennsylvania in 2002, and his A.B. summa cum laude from Harvard University.