Health Law Workshop: Anya Prince

Topic: “Gene Therapy’s Field of Dreams: If You Build It, Will We Pay?”
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About the Presenter
Anya Prince is Associate Professor of Law at the University of Iowa College of Law and Member of the University of Iowa Genetics Cluster. Her teaching and research interests explore the ethical, legal, and social implications of genomic testing, with particular focus on genetic discrimination and privacy rights, the intersection of clinical and research ethics, and insurance coverage of genetic technologies and interventions. Professor Prince is a former Visiting Assistant Professor of Law at Indiana University’s Robert H. McKinney School of Law, where she taught New Genetics: Ethical, Legal and Policy Issues and Employment Law. She has published a variety of articles in legal, bioethics, and medical journals, including the American Journal of Bioethics, Journal of Law, Medicine, and Ethics, and Genetics in Medicine, and she has presented and been an invited speaker at conferences across the country. She was recently awarded a Pathway to Independence Award (K99/R00) from the National Human Genome Research Institute to examine the use of genetic information by life, long-term care, and disability insurers.
Before joining the legal academy, Professor Prince served as a Post-doctoral Research Fellow at the UNC Center for Genomics and Society (CGS) in the Department of Social Medicine at UNC-Chapel Hill School of Medicine as well as an intern on the UNC Hospital Ethics Committee. In 2015, she received the UNC’s Postdoctoral Award for Research Excellence and received additional funding from the Skadden Foundation for her work on the hospital ethics committee. In addition to her research role, Professor Prince has also worked as a Skadden Fellow and Staff Attorney at the Cancer Legal Resource Center in Los Angeles, California.
Professor Prince is a graduate of University of California, Los Angeles (cum laude, B.A.) and Georgetown University (M.P.P. and J.D.)