Health Law Workshop: Thaddeus Mason Pope

Download the Presentation: “From Informed Consent to Shared Decision Making: How Patient Decision Aids Can Improve Patient Safety and Reduce Medical Liability Risk”
Background Reading: “Certified Patient Decision Aids: Solving Persistent Problems with Informed Consent Law,” The Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics, 45 (2017): 12-40.
About the Presenter
Thaddeus Mason Pope is Professor of Law and Director of the Health Law Institute at the Mitchell Hamline School of Law. Pope joined Hamline University School of Law in January 2012 after serving as associate professor of law at Widener University School of Law. There, his research focused on medical futility, internal dispute resolution, tort law, public health law, and normative jurisprudence. He authors a blog on medical futility, reporting and discussing legislative, judicial, regulatory, medical, and other developments concerning end-of-life medical treatment.
Pope also taught at Albany Medical College and the University of Memphis. Prior to joining academia, he practiced at Arnold & Porter and clerked on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit. Pope earned a JD and PhD in philosophy and bioethics from Georgetown University.