Kathryn Zeiler

Kathryn Zeiler is Professor of Law and Nancy Barton Scholar at the Boston University School of Law. She was Senior Academic Fellow at the Center while on sabbatical from Georgetown Law School during the Fall 2010 semester. Professor Zeiler was working on a co-authored book to be published by Yale University Press titled “To Sue is Human: A Profile of Medical Malpractice Litigation.” The book will provide the most detailed empirical study of the performance of the medical malpractice system available to date. The project utilizes data on approximately 16,000 medical malpractice claims closed from 1988 to 2005 to study the liability system and insurance markets in Texas. She was also working on a book chapter that will appear in the “Tort Law Handbook,” (edited by Jennifer Arlen). The chapter will report results from a meta-analysis of empirical research investigating the impacts of medical malpractice tort reform on payouts, claims rates and insurance premiums.