Anniek de Ruijter

Visiting Scholar
Spring 2020
Anniek de Ruijter is Associate Professor of European Law at the University of Amsterdam (the Netherlands), where she is a research fellow at the Amsterdam Centre for European Law and Governance (ACELG) at the Faculty of Law. She is also director of the Amsterdam Law Practice for experiential education. Her research focuses on the impact of transnational health law, policy, and risk regulation for individual rights and constitutional protections.
In 2017, Anniek received the Veni Award of the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research for a four-year research project on improving the EU constitutional order for responding to human health disasters such as pandemics or bioterrorist attacks.
In 2015, her PhD thesis, which explored a rights-based analysis of EU health law and policy, received “honorable mention for outstanding new academic work”from the Dutch Association for Health Law. It was published by Oxford University Press in 2019 as EU Health Law and Policy: The Expansion of EU Power in Public Health and Health Care.
With Maria Weimer, Anniek edited the volume Regulating Risks in the European Union: The Co-production of Expert and Executive Power. The book brings together leading scholars to explore European risk regulation, drawing insights from law, governance, political science, and science and technology studies.
Anniek was a one-year Fulbright Fellow to the United States. She has also held appointments as a visiting researcher at Columbia University and a research fellow at the Ecole de Droit de la Sorbonne, Pantheon, Paris.
Anniek holds LLM degrees from both Columbia University School of Law and the University of Amsterdam. She completed her PhD at the University of Amsterdam Faculty of Law under the supervision of Professor Deirdre Curtin.