Kathleen Boozang

Visiting Scholar
Kathleen Boozang is a professor at Seton Hall Law where she served as dean from 2015-2022. Professor Boozang has also served as two terms as Law School Associate Dean and for a time as University Vice Provost. Professor Boozang founded Seton Hall Law’s health law program, as well as its global healthcare compliance programs and graduate programs. Today, Seton Hall Law’s compliance programs are offered in the Middle East, Asia, LATAM, the EU, and the United States, and have educated close to three thousand compliance professionals, significantly contributing to the professionalism and maturation of the life sciences ethics and compliance profession. She is a frequent speaker on issues related to compliance including with AHLA, PCF, and ETHICS (Paris).
As dean, Professor Boozang created Seton Hall Law’s innovative part-time Weekend Program and worked with her clinic colleagues to increase its grant funding to enable significant expansion of the services offered by Seton Hall Law’s Center for Social Justice, particularly in housing, immigration, and criminal justice. Most recently, she inaugurated Seton Hall Law’s sports, gaming, hospitality and entertainment initiatives, including a gaming ethics and compliance bootcamp for compliance professionals working in the gambling industry.
Professor Boozang’s scholarship has evolved over the years, having produced ground-breaking work on religious hospitals, complementary and alternative medicine, and placebos. Over the last two decades, Boozang has focused her scholarship and teaching in the health and life sciences ethics, law and compliance space, most recently focused on fraud and compliance, including ESG, trade sanctions, and AI. As a result of her recent foray into sports and gaming, Boozang is also working on an article that considers the impact of NGIL, betting, and employment status on the law of negligence and informed consent as it applies to the relationship between athletes and colleges/universities.
Boozang has served on multiple hospital boards, as well as the boards of AHLA and ASLME. She served for many years as a member of the New York State Task Force on Life and the Law and as Editor of the peer-reviewed Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics. She is an elected member of ALI, and participated in the conversations related to the development of the Principles of Nonprofit Organizations as well as the Principles of the Law, Compliance and Enforcement for Organizations. Boozang has also chaired multiple AALS programs and committees, as well as committees and law school accreditation site teams for the ABA.