Timo Minssen

Inter-CeBIL Research Affiliate
Professor of Law at the University of Copenhagen; Founding Director, Center for Advanced Studies in Bioscience Innovation Law (CeBIL)
Timo Minssen, a leading European authority in the law & ethics of health & life science innovation, including new biotechnologies and advanced medical computing, is Professor of Law at the University of Copenhagen (UCPH) and the Founding Director of UCPH’s Center for Advanced Studies in Bioscience Innovation Law (CeBIL), as well as PI of the NNF’s Inter-CeBIL Research Programme. In addition to his new role as an Inter-CeBIL Research Affiliate at the Petrie Flom Center, he is also an LML Research Affiliate at the University of Cambridge (UK). Moreover, Timo had been a TUM Global Visiting Professor at the Technical University of Munich in 2024, as well as a Petrie-Flom Visiting Scholar in 2014, and a Visiting Scholar at the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge in 2014 and 2016. From 2006-2007 he also held a Max Planck scholarship at the Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition in Munich, served as a stagiaire at the European Patent Office, and taught European and US Patent Law as an Affiliated Professor at the Chicago Kent College of Law.
His research, supervision, teaching & part-time advisory practice concentrates on Intellectual Property-, Competition & Regulatory Law with a special focus on new technologies, big data & artificial intelligence in the health & life sciences. This involves a plethora of legal issues emerging during the lifecycle of health & life science products and processes – from the sustainable regulation of R&D and incentives for innovation to responsible technology transfer and commercialization.
Based on both his academic and practical experience from law firms, courts & life science start-ups, Timo serves as a member of several international committees and as an advisor to the WHO, WIPO, EU Commission, various organizations, companies, national governments and law firms. He presents his research at international symposia, major law firms, the Universities of Oxford, Cambridge, Hong Kong & Tokyo, Harvard Law School, Harvard Business School, Stanford Law School, Yale, MIT, the Broad institute, as well as at the WHO, WIPO, European Medicines Agency and National Ehics Councils etc. His publications comprise 7 books, as well as 220+ articles and book chapters. Timo’s research has been featured in i.a. The Economist, The Financial Times, El Mundo, Politico, WHO Bulletin, Times of India & Times Higher Education, and published in leading journals, such as Science, NEJM Catalyst, JAMA, Harvard Business Review, Harvard Business Manager, Nature Biotechnology, Nature Genetics, Nature Electronics, Nature PJ Digital Medicine, The Lancet Digital Health, PLoS-Computational Biology, Biotech. J., Drug Discovery, JLB, BLR, Person.Med., IIC, EIPR, ECLR, JIPLP, GRUR Int., Chi.-Kent J. Intell. Prop., IPQ, QMJIP, NIR & EUConst.LR. He is also a regular contributor on Harvard Law School’s Bill of Health blog.