The Petrie-Flom Center often collaborates with our colleagues and affiliates at partner institutions for digital symposia, as part of our mission to host the critical conversations around issues in health law policy, biotechnology, and bioethics. We also regularly use this platform to continue discussions that have their genesis in conferences and events. Bill of Health provides a venue for critical debate, where academic freedom flourishes, and thought leaders share innovative ideas for solutions. We invite you to join us!

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Critical Psychedelic Studies: Correcting the Hypecolorful soap bubble bursting.

From Principles to Practice: Human Rights and Public Health EmergenciesCovid 19 map confirmed cases report worldwide globally.

Addressing Technoableism: Reforming Infrastructure and Disability RepresentationDeconstructed postmodern inspired artwork of vector abstract symbols with bold geometric shapes.

Uncertainty, Medical Expertise, and RightsWASHINGTON, DC - OCT. 8, 2019: Rally for LGBTQ rights outside Supreme Court as Justices hear oral arguments in three cases dealing with discrimination in the workplace because of sexual orientation.

Reproductive Technologies and Workplace EqualitySilhouette of a young pregnant woman on a blue background.

Beyond Vulnerability:
The Rights and Agency of People with Disabilities in the Climate Crisiswildfire; burning pine forest in the smoke and flames.

Assisted Reproduction in a Post-Dobbs U.S.cell with pipette and needle.

The End of Public Health?Hospital beds in a room filled with smoke.

COVID-19 and Tort LiabilityGavel lying in a courtroom.

Health Law and Policy in an Era of Mass SufferingWashington DC 09 20 2021. More than 600,000 white flags honor lives lost to COVID, on the National Mall. The art installation " In America: Remember" was created by Suzanne Brennan Firstenberg.

Adoption, Family Separation & Preservation, and Reproductive JusticeBaby footprints on birth certificate.

A Macro View of MicrodosingMushrooms, capsules, and dropper bottle.

Build Back Better? Health, Disability, and the Future of Work Post-COVIDKUALA LUMPUR MALAYSIA -14 DECEMBER 2020: Workers wearing a face mask at work in construction site Kuala Lumpur.

International Pandemic Lawmaking: Conceptual and Practical IssuesGeneva, Switzerland - December 03, 2019: World Health Organization (WHO / OMS).

Health Justice: Engaging Critical Perspectives in Health Law and PolicyScales of justice and gavel on table.

COVID-19, Social Movements, and HealthNew York City, New York/USA June 2, 2020 Black Lives Matter Protest March demanding justice for George Floyd and other victims of police brutality.

Recommendations for a Biden/Harris Health Policy Agenda

In Their Own Words: COVID-19 and the Future of the Health Care WorkforceHealthcare workers carrying signs protest for improved Covid-19 testing and workplace safety policies outside of UCLA Medical Center in Los Angeles,Dec. 9, 2020.

Ethical, Legal, and Social Implications of Deep PhenotypingCode on computer.

Women on the Frontlines: COVID and BeyondNew York City, New York / USA - June 13 2020 New York City healthcare workers during coronavirus outbreak in America.

Psychedelics and America

man lying on couch.

Understanding the Role of Race in HealthMiami Downtown, FL, USA - MAY 31, 2020: Woman leading a group of demonstrators on road protesting for human rights and against racism.

Reproductive Rights in 2020

abortion protest outside supreme court.

Global Responses to COVID-19: Rights, Democracy, and the Law

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Consuming Genetics: Ethical and Legal Considerations of New Technologies

Seventh Annual Health Law Year in P/Review



Beyond Disadvantage: Disability, Law and Bioethics




Diseases of Despair: The Role of Policy and Law




Research Integrity and Trustworthy Science: Challenges and Solutions

researcher in a lab looking through microscope




Healing in the Wake of Community Violence

Close-up of a senior woman's hands holding her granddaughter's hands




Between Complacency and Panic – Legal, Ethical and Policy Responses to Emerging Infectious Diseases




Citizen Science




ADA, GINA, and the NFL Workplace 




How Patients Are Creating the Future of Medicine



Notice of Proposed Rule Making: Regulation of Human Subjects Research

man and woman in a lab consulting blood samples under a microscope



Law, Ethics & Science of Re-identification Demonstrations