Errors in Patent Grants: More Common in Medical Patents
Read more: Errors in Patent Grants: More Common in Medical Patents -
Innovation and the Firm: Vertical Integration in Patent-Intensive Industries – Seminar 9/8 at the University of Copenhagen
Read more: Innovation and the Firm: Vertical Integration in Patent-Intensive Industries – Seminar 9/8 at the University of Copenhagen -
Bioethics Biotechnology Cloning Enhancement FDA Genetics Health Law Policy Human Rights Human Tissue Intellectual Property Neuroscience Organs Pharmaceuticals Research Funding Stem Cells Timo Minssen
Patenting Bioprinting Technologies in the US and Europe – The Fifth Element in the Third Dimension
Read more: Patenting Bioprinting Technologies in the US and Europe – The Fifth Element in the Third Dimension -
Affordable Care Act Genetics Intellectual Property Pharmaceuticals Public Health Publications Resource Allocation Timo Minssen
Separating sheep from goats- a European view on the patent eligibility of biomedical diagnostic methods
Read more: Separating sheep from goats- a European view on the patent eligibility of biomedical diagnostic methods -
Biotechnology Doctor-Patient Relationship Health Information Technology Health Law Policy Intellectual Property Pharmaceuticals Public Health Publications Timo Minssen
Amicus brief in Sequenom v. Ariosa: Why the U.S. Supreme Court should grant the petition for a writ of certiorari
Read more: Amicus brief in Sequenom v. Ariosa: Why the U.S. Supreme Court should grant the petition for a writ of certiorari