
Stephen Wood

  • Addiction

    Addressing the Opioid Epidemic Starts with How We Treat Pain

    As a nurse practitioner in a busy suburban emergency department, pain is my job. Pain is one of the most common reasons people come to an emergency department (ED). It could be abdominal pain, chest…

    Addressing the Opioid Epidemic Starts with How We Treat Pain


    Stephen Wood

    Close up on a pile of yellow pain pills
  • 7th Annual Health Law Year in P/Review

    The Emergency Department is The “New” Frontier of Public Health

    The purpose and the policies of an emergency department need to be redefined. We’re not emergency workers. We are public health providers.

    The Emergency Department is The “New” Frontier of Public Health


    Stephen Wood

    Medical team in an emergency room
  • Criminal Law

    Out of Touch NRA tells Front-line Healthcare Providers to “Stay In Their Lane” on Gun Control

    An unnamed columnist writing for the National Rifle Association Institute for Legislative Action blog advised physicians and other healthcare providers to “stay in their lane” when it comes to advocating for gun control. This appears…

    Out of Touch NRA tells Front-line Healthcare Providers to “Stay In Their Lane” on Gun Control


    Stephen Wood

    image of a handgun with several bullets
  • Conscience

    Words Matter: How Refugees of Torture Became a “Migrant Caravan”

    San Pedro Sula in Honduras was the murder capital of the world for decades, a title it lost only a few years ago to Caracas, Venezuela in 2016. At its peak, there were an average…

    Words Matter: How Refugees of Torture Became a “Migrant Caravan”


    Stephen Wood

    protesters carry signs that say "refugees welcome" in
  • Health Law Policy

    Considerations for a Zombie Apocalypse: The Definition of Death Among the “Walking Dead”

    While there has been a great deal in the literature that discusses the ethics of neurologic, cardiopulmonary and biologic death in the context of organ donation, there has been very little attention to this application…

    Considerations for a Zombie Apocalypse: The Definition of Death Among the “Walking Dead”


    Stephen Wood

    bloody zombie hands grasping air
  • Health Law Policy

    Paper or Plastic: How would you like your IV fluids today?

    The patient was a very pleasant 45-year-old woman who came into the emergency department with fever, headache and neck pain; all signs and symptoms concerning for meningitis or possibly encephalitis. Both are often an infectious,…

    Paper or Plastic: How would you like your IV fluids today?


    Stephen Wood

    medical needles in a pile
  • Addiction

    Are we speaking the same language? An alphabet soup of acronyms in the opioid epidemic

    By Stephen Wood Medication Replacement Therapy (MRT), Medication Assisted Therapy (MAT). Opioid Substitution Treatment (OST). Opioid Replacement Therapy (ORT). Opioid Agonist Therapy (OAT). This confusing array of acronyms are all terms that have made their way…

    Are we speaking the same language? An alphabet soup of acronyms in the opioid epidemic


    Stephen Wood

  • Addiction

    Buprenorphine and Naloxone Legislative Restrictions: A Compromise Towards Harm Reduction

    There were approximately 64,000 deaths from opioid overdose in 2016, including deaths from both prescription and illicit drugs. The incidence of opioid overdose has continued to escalate despite a number of efforts. Increasing treatment beds,…

    Buprenorphine and Naloxone Legislative Restrictions: A Compromise Towards Harm Reduction


    Stephen Wood

  • Addiction

    What is in America’s Medicine Cabinet? Everything.

      There were 240 million opioid prescriptions in the U.S. in 2016, a number that accounts for about 30 percent of the world’s opioid prescriptions, and is enough for one opioid prescription for every adult…

    What is in America’s Medicine Cabinet? Everything.


    Stephen Wood
