Peng Zhao

Visiting Scholar
2015 – 2016
Peng Zhao was a Visiting Scholar at the Petrie-Flom Center in the 2015-2016 academic year. He earned his BA (2003), MA (2009), and PhD (2009) in law from the China University of Political Science and Law (CUPL, Beijing). During his time at the Center, Peng was associate professor of law and deputy dean of the Institute of Law-based Government at CUPL. His research and teaching interests include food law, administrative law, and risk regulation theory. He was author of more than a dozen articles on food law and risk regulation theory, and was presiding over two research projects sponsored by the Chinese central government on these two fields. Peng was a director and member of the Chinese Association of Administrative Law, and deputy secretary general of a committee affiliated with this organization which focuses on legal issues on governmental regulation, and also participated actively in professional service activities including serving as a member of an expert commission for the National Health and Family Planning Commission on amendments to Chinese Food Safety Law, as advisor to the Ministry of Science and Technology on amendments to Chinese regulation of laboratory animal management, and as a member of the Panel of Experts on the Revision of the Food Safety Law in the Ministry of Health. Peng was recognized by CUPL students as one of the Top Ten Popular Teachers at CUPL from 2013 to 2015.
Peng visited the Center with support from the China Scholarship Council, and focused primarily on studying U.S. food and drug law, health law, and bioethics. Based on his research on U.S. regulatory models, he worked on several papers and newspaper commentaries discussing how to improve China’s food and drug regulation. Due to his participation in Professor I. Glenn Cohen’s health law workshop and the Center’s events, Peng developed a new academic interest in human subjects research regulation. When he returned to China at the conclusion of his visit, he began a new project on China’s oversight of life sciences research with funding from China’s National Social Science Foundation.